"EnhanCing the ParticipatiOn and Learning Performance of Migrant and RefUgee Children in PRimary School Education" (E-COURSE)

EhanCing the ParticipatiOn and Learning Performance of Migrant and RefUgee Children in PRimary School Education” (E-COURSE), financed by Erasmus+, was a project aimed at enhancing the participation and learning performance of newly arrived migrant and refugee children in primary education.

The main tools that the project used to support and enhance the access and participation of newly arrived migrant and refugee children in the school environment include the development of a School Support Platform, which combined both a capacity building component for teachers and also a space for online communication between teachers and parents, together with National Diffusion and Engagement Campaigns, engaging also members of the target group as Ambassadors. Canary Wharf Consulting had a key role in this project, by undertaking the task of the development and pilot operation of the School Support Platform, which was the main project output.


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